When you next visit a website for the first time, ask yourself: how keen is the publisher of that site to get you back when you’ve seen enough on that particular visit?

Is the site designed to get you back? In other words, is it optimised for conversion?

Conversion means:

  • Turning a casual reader into a subscriber
  • Turning that subscriber into a customer
  • Turning customers into repeat customers
  • Turning repeat customers into fans and advocates who tell their friends, family and colleagues about a product or service

Actually, the first point of conversion usually happens away from the website.

It often happens after you’ve typed something into Google and are staring at a list of search results. One blue link stands out so you click it or tap it. That’s the site’s meta title, and the best ones are brilliantly written.

Or the first conversion could be from an ad you’ve seen on social media.

Conversion is why websites encourage you to sign up for something when you visit. The site’s publisher wants to build a relationship with you, so that they can convert you again and again later, from first-time visitor to repeat customer and fan.


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