by Paul Parry | Aug 31, 2019 |
Here’s a little story for you. Once upon a time, I used to work in TV. And one day, some anonymous colleague in a far-away office signed me up to the company pension scheme. And then I left that scheme. Long story, but it was about trust: when researching...
by Paul Parry | Aug 30, 2019 |
My good friend and a loyal reader of this blog, Andy, suggested a couple of changes that I could make to this blog that might improve it. And I reckon he’s right. So from now on, you’ll be able to leave a comment on this and future posts. The other...
by Paul Parry | Aug 29, 2019 |
“Kill your babies.” As analogies go, this one’s fairly unpleasant. It means don’t be scared of killing off or moving away from an idea or project that’s close to your heart. If it’s not right, not working or not for you, move on....
by Paul Parry | Aug 28, 2019 |
One comma matters: I’d published the post, shared it on Twitter and added it to both the draft of the weekly that’ll go out on Thursday and the single page that contains all the week’s posts. But there was a problem: a comma was missing. So I edited...
by Paul Parry | Aug 27, 2019 |
What is a tag cloud? Very similar to a word cloud. What’s a word cloud? One of these: Word or tag clouds typically use colour, bold text and a larger font size to represent greater prominence or frequency of the tags or words depicted....