I’m a big fan of listening. More specifically, I’m a big fan of the art of listening. I find it helps in life, generally, and as a freelancer, specifically (when following instructions and briefs, for example).

I was waiting for a mate, Big Jon – the man who is very adept at taking my imbecilic attempts at artwork and turning them into professional designs – outside the Garrick theatre in London’s glittering West End one evening when a French lady approached me. She was wearing in-ear headphones and began to ask for directions to Soho.

Excellent, I thought, I know this, and began to help our little Gallic friend:

“Yeah, no problem,” I said, “but before I tell you, can you take your headphones out please.”

“It’s OK,” she replied, “I can hear you with them in.”

“That’s nice,” I said, “but I’m not going to tell you unless you take them out.”

“Ah,” she said, and duly took them out of her ears before she listened carefully to what I told her, thanked me and wandered off towards Soho.


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