I’d suggest that schools don’t encourage creativity very much or very well but, as a freelancer, I reckon it’s our greatest differentiator.
Related to creativity is diversity and I liked what I heard recently from Keith Weed, chief marketing and communications officer of Unilever, one of the world’s biggest advertisers:
“Why is diversity a good thing?” he was asked on The Media Show.
“You can take a group of the same people, and teach them to think diversely and creatively, or you can take a group of diverse people and get them to think even more so.
“So if you want to have innovation, if you want to have true creativity, start with people with different points of view.
“If you start with lots of people who are the same, thinking the same, you’re going to get the same solutions.
“Diversity is both a moral issue but it’s an economic issue as well.
“It drives great business.”