Thirty years ago, I’d just finished school and was dreaming of working in the music industry.

A few years later, that dream had led me to shovelling rat droppings for no pay while working as a runner on the shoot of a video for a below-average pop song.

Levels of almost unbearable glamour.

That, however, was usurped by the job I later took in a warehouse in Willesden, where, at times, I hankered after those heady days on the shoot.

I struggled for years to identify the right job for me, mainly because it hadn’t been invented yet.

And today, more and more jobs are emerging that didn’t exist even just ten years ago.

Below is a list of 16 jobs our kids could do that we just couldn’t a generation ago.

I believe teachers and parents should know about these in order to offer relevant careers advice, not the kind that’s been around for decades and pushes youngsters towards well-established roles that might not necessarily suit the creative, the would-be TV presenters, the writers, the designers, the engineers, the performers…


  1. Web designer/developer
  2. Influencer
  3. Blogger
  4. Vlogger
  5. Podcaster
  6. App developer
  7. Uber/Lyft driver
  8. Social media manager
  9. UX (user experience) designer
  10. Airbnb host
  11. Drone operator
  12. Data scientist
  13. Cloud computing specialist
  14. SEO copywriter
  15. Virtual assistant
  16. Donald Trump impersonator
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