I’d dropped Mischa off at school and was sitting in rush-hour traffic on my way home, listening to Shaun Keaveny on 6 Music.

It was Shaun’s last day hosting the breakfast show and I heard loads of people’s messages packed to the gills with sadness and great humour, often at the same time.

I felt three things:

  1. Shaun has a community, a loyal tribe of listeners
  2. I felt that I’d missed out and wasn’t part of it
  3. I wanted in!

I’m not part of many ‘tribes’ but this felt like a good ‘un. Our sense of belonging, and the guidance we take, when we’re among ‘our group’ is primal and partly why social media is so successful. As Robert Cialdini said: “We look to what others do to guide our behaviour.”

Keaveny’s now on the same station in the afternoons, which I prefer as I’ve got more chance of being exposed to beauties like I Met a Girl on Myspace by The Lancashire Hotpots, which, I’m convinced, I wouldn’t have heard anywhere else.


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