I started to organise the book yesterday:
- I thought about the a message, idea, or story that I want to share
- Gathered much of the information I already have that’s ready and waiting
- Organised my material in a Word doc
On that first point, thinking about the message, idea or story I want to share, there are plenty of all three that’ll go in this book.
I’ll use stories to illustrate what I’ve done so far to get to this point, how I’ve messed up and how I’ve tried to make things better, and why I hold some of the beliefs that are dear to me.
I’ll explain ideas that I like (and possibly use myself) and reckon others might benefit from.
And as for messages, I have several that I want to promote. Essentially, I believe we/kids need to:
- Understand social media
- Embrace the internet’s huge, limitless opportunities and benefits
- Understand the basics of personal and business finance
- Appreciate that many of the old ways are either dead or dying (TV advertising and jobs for life, for example)
- Promote solid (family) values – generosity, being nice, tolerance, friendliness (we want our kids/younger relatives to be happy and successful later in life. Their success and happiness bring our peace of mind. And that’s what we really want.)
- Collaborate – it can bring huge benefits and is easier than ever before