One of the very generous contributors to my post on lead generation, and a leading light on the subject of SEO, was Heather Lloyd-Martin, highly respected throughout the world as an authority on writing copy that achieves success in the search engines and converts visitors into subscribers and buyers.

I noticed Heather’s work early having decided to train as a copywriter. It resonated with me and changed how I thought about things. Writing out-and-out sales copy had never felt right to me but I knew I needed to specialise in an area which had both high demand and plenty of opportunities.

Heather’s training course, SEO Copywriting Success, which I bought in early 2009, enabled me to position myself as an SEO copywriter and pick up more work.

Knowing how to conduct keyphrase research, write effective meta tags and transform a low-ranking page into a high-positioned one are skills anyone can learn.


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