I’ve listened to a lot of really good internet marketers since 2006.
I don’t follow most of them these days – they’ve either disappeared (maybe retired or died), or they teach things I’m not really interested in any more.
Or I’ve just decided that I can only follow a few and they didn’t make the cut.
But I still read what a handful of the best have to say, and when it comes to SEO, I listen to Brian Dean:
- I occasionally read his blog, Backlinko.com
- I’m on his list so get his emails (not stupidly frequent, always insightful and certainly never spam)
- I’ve paid for one of his training courses, SEO That Works (also recommended as I used it to create a post which was shared 184 times without me really doing any promotional work):
Yesterday I had an email from Brian about how he’s built a large following on YouTube. The link in the email leads to this post on his blog.
If someone you know is looking to achieve more on YouTube, please share this post with them.