Two great resources to help if you’re starting out as a freelance commercial writer (I relied on both):

  1. Peter Bowerman’s brilliant book, The Well-Fed Writer*
  2. American Writers and Artists Inc. (AWAI)

*affiliate link

Some tips:

  • Understand the marketing process. – it’ll help you sell your services and add another string to your bow because you’ll be able to demonstrate deeper knowledge to prospects and clients
  • Make the most of social media
  • Start a blog
  • Understand how to stand out in a crowd of thousands of freelancers (suggestion: don’t compete on price and differentiate on how you sell, rather than what you sell)
  • Set up and develop an attractive online profile
  • Build a portfolio and testimonials
  • “Have a success and promote the arse out of it” – Brett McFall, Australian copywriter
  • Aim for consistent sales and work to avoid the feast-and-famine cycle that freelancers of all kinds face at some point
  • Understand this:


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