When you search for something in Google – let’s say you’re looking for info about a camera – what exactly are you after?

You might be just thinking about buying a new camera, in which case you might use a generic term such as ‘cameras’. At this stage, you’re looking for general knowledge.

Or you might want to research a specific type of camera, eg ‘dslr camera’. That search term will help you find places to buy dslr cameras, learn how to use them, understand the differences between them and other types of camera and so on.

And if you search for a specific camera, such as Nikon D850, you’ll get results including reviews of that camera, comparisons with other cameras and places to buy it.

The search terms we use place us different points on the buying cycle, and commercial websites should feature keyphrases that attract visitors at any of the three stages (and then aim to convert those visitors to subscribers, buyers or repeat buyers).

Social media updates and blog posts can also be used to attract people, particularly at the awareness stage, when they’re looking for general information.

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