If you run a business or are launching a product, it’s sometimes tempting to want to write a press release to promote what you’re doing.

While often effective, press releases carry negative connotations because they’re too often about something boring, insignificant or uninteresting. On top of that, they’re often badly written.

But, as Brian Dean (who I listen to when it comes to SEO) says:

When done right, a release can be a powerful tool to spread the word.

To do it right, you have to think of what you want to say from a ‘news’ perspective. What’s your top line? What’s your lead? Is it something you’d tell your friends about as soon as you met up with them for the evening?

Then think about where you want your ‘news’ to feature, how you’d like to present it, and to whom.

Brian’s produced a great resource that covers all of this:

HOW TO WRITE A PRESS RELEASE: The Definitive Guide (2019)


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