A crucial component of many an internet marketing strategy, the squeeze page (may also be known as a landing page or opt-in page) is so called because it’s designed, built and optimised to do one thing: collect email addresses, or ‘squeeze’ them from people visiting the page.
When you enter your email address into a simple form in exchange for something you want, you’re opting in to join a publisher’s email list and are in their funnel.
Good squeeze pages leave you with only two options: either you fill in the little form with your email address and possibly your name as well, or you exit the page by clicking the back or close button. There’s no option to view an About Us page or fill in a contact form or browse products from this page.
One thing worth noting: the more information a publisher asks for, the less likely someone is to actually complete the form and opt in.
That’s why squeeze pages often ask only for an email address. Those that ask for your first name, last name, phone number, company, position, marketing spend, favourite colour and shoe size tend not to collect as many addresses.