Every January for the past few years, I’ve visited my daughters’ school and taken part in the careers fair.

I stand there, like Billy No-mates, alongside people who have more traditional careers or are from big firms that are household names.

But I like doing it as I think I offer something different as my work involves:

  • Writing
  • Editing
  • Blogging
  • Publishing
  • Web hosting
  • Web design
  • Web development
  • Reading
  • Invoicing
  • Prospecting (web-based research and writing emails)

I tell kids that the kind of work I do is great if you’re…

  • Struggling to work out what you want to do when you’re older
  • Up for hard work (that means less TV, social media and gaming)
  • Keen to help other people
  • Up for more learning (for ever)
  • Keen to read lots
  • Good at communicating with people (or want to get better at it)
  • Even remotely creative or ‘arty’ (eg, you like writing, drawing, playing music, performing)
  • Looking to do something with flexible hours
  • Thinking of doing/creating something that will always help you, even if you change your mind and decide to do something completely different in the future (what some people like to call ‘pivoting’)
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