In Pazzabaijan*, I wrote about my experience of redundancy, and being that proverbial rabbit in the headlights as I faced the future with the panache and poise of a blindfolded Homer Simpson.
I knew the internet represented the most important opportunity for me, the place where I might actually be able to do the work I truly wanted to do.
So in my efforts to create an online business, I embarked on a journey of ‘just-in-case learning’: acquiring as much knowledge and as many skills as possible just in case I needed it at some point in the future.
The opposite of just-in-case learning is just-in-time learning, where you learn what you need to know when you need it – a far more efficient way of working.
I was stuck in a rut of just-in-case learning for years.
Did it slow my progress? Undoubtedly. Would I now be good in a pub quiz if questions came up about internet marketing? I’d smash it.
And that’s one of the reasons why I feel well-placed to campaign for the introduction of inted in our schools.
I’ve fumbled my way across the internet, through deserts of dross and canyons of crap, and occasionally stumbled upon value and quality and ideas worth pursuing, and I want to share what I’ve learned.
*affiliate link