A split test is when a marketer compares the effectiveness of two elements. They could be:
- Headlines
- Price points
- Guarantees
- A full stop compared with an exclamation mark
- Different fonts
- Different colours on the call-to-action button
Actually, marketers split-test all sorts of things.
UX designer and blogger Paul Olyslager ran a couple of A/B tests on his headline copywriting to try to optimise the conversion rate of his blog and found that one particular word that improved the rate by up to 110%.
Paul tested the copywriting in his list of ‘Popular Articles’ section and found this:
Original text: Trending Stories
Variation 1: Most popular articles (conversion dropped by 27.7%)
Variation 2: Popular this month (-11.4%)
Variation 3: Most popular stories (+5.5%)
Variation 4: Popular articles (+110.6%)