A phrase I’ve come across online is ‘location independence’.

It means being able to work anywhere you want to, whether that’s Pinner, Poplar or Papua New Guinea. As long as you’ve got an internet connection and a laptop or even just a smartphone, you’re in business.

It’s one reason why internet marketing has intrigued me so much since 2006.

It’s a new industry enabled by a modern way of working that’s becoming increasingly attractive for growing numbers of people around the world.

Sadly, though, schools don’t teach kids how to become location independent when they’re older, which is partly why I want to share my knowledge. If just one person, young or old, is able to start a business for themselves or promote their work or share their hobby because of knowledge I’ve gained and stories I can tell, I’ll be delighted.

What I know isn’t definitive by any means, despite all my just-in-case learning. And because things change so quickly online, what I have to share might not even be the most up-to-date.

But I might be able to help you or someone close to you, especially if you or they…

  • Want to start a new career as a freelancer
  • Are looking for a job and want to try different methods to achieve better results
  • Want to build an audience online for your work (I’m very much at the start of building mine – even after all these years – so you can learn from my mistakes)
  • Are interested in how people make money online so you or your kids can too

My audience is small but through fortune and hard work I am able to work where I choose, and for that I’ve very grateful.


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