Yesterday, I moaned about adverts interrupting me and mentioned that I’ve sometimes bought as a result of effective content marketing.
“Content marketing? What does that mean, Pazza?”
I thought you’d never ask.
It’s when I’ve come across someone online and looked a bit more closely at who they are, what they do and what they offer.
Then, deciding that I like that person, I read their emails (that they’ve sent to me as a subscriber – I’m not hacking into their inbox) and blog posts, or listen to their podcasts.
For weeks.
And before I know it, I’m in, trusting them and giving them my attention.
Then sooner or later they present an offer, a product they’ve created that solves a problem I have in my efforts to create a successful online business (like ‘how do I really get to know SEO and how can I use it to improve my Google rankings?’ or ‘how do I build the business I’ve wanted for years?’).
And because I know them, like them and trust them, and consider their offering to be good, I take a punt and click ‘buy now’.
And even though I recognise all the tried and trusted copywriting devices they’ve used, I’m in.