by Paul Parry | Sep 15, 2018 |
One of the key areas that I believe kids need a greater understanding of is social media: How the biggest platforms differ What they have in common Why they’re so effective One night not so long ago, when I should’ve been going to bed but was mindlessly...
by Paul Parry | Sep 14, 2018 |
Whatever your views on Brexit, it’s huge, it looks like it’s happening – although I sincerely hope it doesn’t – and it’s virtually upon us. And we don’t know how it’ll unfold. More to the point, nor do our leaders. Young...
by Paul Parry | Sep 13, 2018 |
Who is The Inted Manifesto for? What am I trying to achieve with it? Why me? I’m glad you asked. Firstly, it’s for people who want the best education for our children and are interested in the future. I hope that’s you. You might be a parent, a...
by Paul Parry | Sep 12, 2018 |
Every day, I read or hear something that makes me think I must finish my next book sooner rather than later.Then I think of a reason to delay the work.So I’m trying something new here (new for me at least): blogging every day.It feels daunting but I believe...