Be Someone

Do you want to be your own boss? I realised that I did when I saw this TV ad when I was 17: I discovered that no one teaches you how to be a freelancer. You just have to work it out. Listen to others who have done it successfully, heed advice from those who know, and,...

Two Tribes

Heard of Taboola? What about Outbrain? These two companies are responsible for the layers of ads that appear at the bottom of lots and lots of webpages, sometimes even decent ones (those “Recommended articles” and the like). They’re very profitable,...

Long Time Coming

I’ve long been a fan of QR codes. I had one printed on the back of a T-shirt when I was working on my novel, Naughty By Nature (that didn’t actually make it to Amazon). I had them printed on a couple of business cards (the same one to promote Naughty By...


Let’s say you have an idea for a business and you want to register a domain name or two for a website. How do you check to see if the names you’re thinking of are actually available? One way is to go to your browser and type the name in and see what comes...

A Place In The Sun

The other day I wrote about giving your eyes a rest when you’re looking at screens all day. Then I heard about f.lux, which takes eye care to another level. It’s software that automatically adapts the brightness of your computer’s display to the time...